Many voices, united for Israel

Can you imagine being taught to hate a nation, to be taught that its destruction and the slaughter of its people is legitimate, indeed vital for peace in the region, that its people the Jews were the worst kind of people. Well, that’s what I was taught and many others are taught the same, I started this project as a Muslim who was at one time an Anti-Semite and hated Israel, but when confronted with the truth had to accept it.
Today we fight the hate, the lies and try to prevent more young minds being poisoned. The Israel campaign is an attempt to spread the facts about Israel, the historical Jewish homeland and only democratic state in the region, that since Independence has sought peace.
We don’t see ourselves as something separate, rather part of a movement, we want to work with all who believe in the ideals of freedom, equality and democracy. Standing together we want to stem the tide of Anti-Israel vitriol spewing from many facets of society. We believe in peace in the Middle East for both the Jewish people and the Arab people, but this can not be achieved by the demonisation and vilification of the State of Israel

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